The Beach House is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. We seek to provide a fully accessible website user experience for every one of our visitors, and apply technologies and practices that conform to relevant accessibility standards.
Feedback: If you have any feedback on our accessibility efforts, we encourage you to reach out to us by emailing We try to respond to feedback within 5 business days.
The Beach House in Carolina Beach, NC is committed to accommodating the needs of all our guests, and we strive to provide visitors with as accessible a lodging experience as possible.
Due to the property's small size and structure, The Beach House, may not be accessible to all or may present challenges in providing easy and independent access. Before booking a reservation, please note that our guest rooms do not meet ADA accessibility requirements due to the size and nature of the property.
We are currently making accessibility enhancements to our website. If you have any questions about accessibility related to our boutique hotel, or to make reservations, please contact us at (910) 998-7636.